he project is initiated by HydroCity as an Applied Research Project at ESA-LAB* (Paris), in partnership with Tehran Municipality, Tehran Organisation for Green Spaces, and the Art, City and Landscape Festival of Amiens. The project will restore Mehrgerd, the capital’s oldest qanat with the creation of filtering gardens and a “Green Walk” in downtown Tehran as permanent public spaces. This project will address the relationship between underground and surface water by collecting, filtering and storing water from both Mehrgerd and the city’s open-air canal network.
The project aims to raise awareness and generate interest in reviving the ancient and sustainable qanat water network. The project brings attention to the critical issue of water conservation by making water recycling visible in public space. The project also brings attention to issues of cultural heritage and preservation by contributing to the revival of the city’s historic core.
See also :
International Seminar Series on Iran’s Environmental Sustainability